
Tot School

The Big Man did really well this week(remember no pictures, slummed in pj's). I was so proud of him. We have gone on to the letter B for recognition, still including the letter A recognition. He actually did some handwriting, he wrote the letter A all by himself. I will have to take pictures and upload, or maybe scan in what he wrote. He was so excited, he told his dad that he was really busy this week doing his homework. We will continue on next week with the letter C and the number 3.

Weekly Report

This week, we kind of slummed it around the house, so no pictures for this week. It was so cold outside that we did hang around in pj's(clean of course) and did schooling. We had a pretty good week, it went kind of rough on the Math. We actually did some afterschooling to brush up on the math understanding.

Math - decimals, fractions, beginning Algebra

Spelling/Vocabulary - finished up lists, spelling and definition memory(test on Monday)

History - Ancients

Reading - assorted array of books

Grammar - proofreading skills, complete subjects and complete predicates

Science - combined with nature studies


It's Cold Enough To Snow

Wow is it cold today. This is the coldest that I can remember it being here in the South in a long time. The high today is only going to be 27, but with the wind effect, it will feel like 6 (ouch). Can you say..."Staying in, absolutely not going anywhere today"?!!! Today is definately a day to thank the Lord for being able to homeschool.


It's Official

Well, it's official; I am now the mother of a teenager. Where did the time go, it seems like only yesterday that my husband and I were bringing home our blessed child from the Lord. I am having a hard time wrapping around my mind that Matthew is now 13. Keep me in prayer, I am told that I am about to enter a new journey(smile).