
Weekly Report

It was a little hard getting back into the swing of things after the holidays; but we survived. Here we are in our new homeschool room finishing up Math. We added more vocabulary and dictionary skills. Our spelling and vocabulary usually goes for 2 weeks before we test. I will take the spelling words with the definitions and make a crossword puzzle and word finder. They will make flash cards for games so that they can drill themselves on the words and definitions. Then we will test on this. We used thank you cards for writing skills this week to thank the relatives for the gifts that were given for Christmas. History we are continuing with Ancients. We slacked on Science, the Science Teacher(Dad) had a couple of deadlines to finish, we will take this back up next week. We will have to make a trip to the library this week to replinish our books for reading. We will get back to our geography studies next week also. All in all a great week.

Tot School

We are finally back in the swing of things. The big man was not quite ready to continue with letter and number recognition, so we scaled it back some and let him have a little more free time to play, build with blocks and color. Well, this new year has brought on the desire to learn(for this week at least). We started again with recognizing the capital letter A and the number 1. We read lots of books that he received for Christmas and also played with playdoh and shaped the number 1 and the letter A.

Here he is showing daddy all of the hard work he did this week. Can you tell he loves to take pictures?


New Semester/New Look

I have always wanted a room specifically devoted to homeschool ever since the beginning, but simply did not have the space to do it. We have done school in the living room, and kitchen in our previous house. But we can now say that we have been blessed after our recent move into a home where we can have a room specifically for homeschool (YA!!!). Here are a few pictures of one side of the room, the other side still has a little clutter(still unpacking). There is also a sofa in the room, with an end table, I plan on puting a lamp over there and making it more of a reading nook. There are throw blankets to cover up with, I have a goose neck floor lamp packed somewhere that I will add over there for addtional lighting. We do have two windows also, so this gives great sunlight. Will post those pics once we get some of that stuff on that side of the room a new home(either in the garbage or give away). Hope you enjoy...

Here are different angles of the room, my lens is not wide enough to show the entire room. As you can see, we have two bookcases, one for assorted reading books and another for curriculum books. Also, a cabinet dedicated to notebooks, loose leaf paper and other supplies. I don't know if your house is like mine, but we have a pencil gremlin that seems to take pencils and such, so when school starts we are always looking for pencils. On top of each bookcase, there are small buckets dedicated to everything that we need, so we can easily put our hands on them...pencils, pens, crayons, markers, glue and even a bucket for nothing but erasers; on the other side of the buckets, where we can easily find them...3 hole punch, stapler and tape dispenser that holds regular scotch tape as well as double sided tape. This way the supplies are in plain view, and when they are getting low, I can simply refill them. Now excuses!

I am really thankful, this alone gives me a feeling a calm. God is so good, when I look at all of the things that we have accumulated, and still putting away in the house that we are currently in, I often wonder how on earth did we pack all of this stuff in the other house we lived in. I really do miss the quiet and out door space that we had in our country home, but where we are currently living my husband is able to have an office/studio, each child has their own room, we have a homeschool room as well; so God has truly blessed us this year.