
2009/2010 School Year

After much prayer and research, I feel lead by the Lord to use the spine from Heart of Dakota for my older two "Preparing Hearts for His Glory" with the extensions. This is a curriculum that has the Charlotte Mason approach. I wanted to do world history especially for my eldest son because after this coming school year, he will enter the 9th grade. HOD allows you to use your own math, language arts. So here is what we have so far:

6th & 8th Grader(Using the appropriate grade level math and grammar)
Preparing Hearts for His Glory with extensions - History, Science, Bible, Art
Literature - Drawn into the Heart of Reading(HOD)
6th grader Math Singapore 6A & 6B
6th grader Math Life of Fred Decimals and Percentages
8th grader Math Life of Fred Beginning Algebra
Art - Draw and Write Through History
Grammar - Growing with Grammar
Handwriting - Can Do Cursive
Science - Maybe beef it up for 8th grader; have to wait and see

Big Man- Kindergarten
Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Hooked on Phonics Pre-reading
Handwriting Without Tears
ABC Readiness Series
Leap Frog Letter Factory
Leap Frog Talking Word Factory
Leap Frog Code Word Caper
Roll A Dough Letters
Lots of Books
Melissa & Doug Learning Toys

School Year Coming To An End

Ashamed to say that it has been almost 4 months since posting. With the official school year coming to an end, I must say how blessed we have been and how much the Lord has been our firm foundation. My dear friend Sheila(Encourager), loaned us her families copy of Tip Lewis and His Lamp. Wow! What a blessing that was to read. We used it as a read aloud for morning and evening devotions. This book is about a young boy who everyone considered a scamp; he is told a story of the conversion of a pastor, and the Holy Spirit begins to work on his heart. He has the desire to want to do better, and encounters many ups and downs. He is a witness to his family and friends and the story goes up from there. This is not a story to just allow your children to read, it is a great book for the entire family. I believe that it is available at Rod and Staff publications.